Apple iTunes / iPod is a closed business model built on two essential premises. One is that songs bought from iTunes only on iPods. The second premise is that the songs from other music download sites are not purchased on the iPod.
Now Apple's business model is under attack - by 26-year-old hacker Jon Johansen. Johansen, Norway, has decoded iPod 's Digital Rights Management (DRM), known as FairPlay, to majorSources.
Johansen made his hack available - for a license fee - from companies that sell hardware competing with iPod and download sites competing with iTunes.
Note that Johansen's hack does not remove DRM from songs downloaded. Actually adds DRM to think of iPods, that a specific song purchased from iTunes trick.
If this hack takes the closed business model will fall apart?
Not really. Johansen decision to sell his hack throughlicensing agreements means that your average teenager is not music fans to find his collection of improvised music-iPod-compatible. contrast, a wider choice of music sites are legal to download songs playable on your iPod.
The effect of this can lower the pricetag to industry standard of $ 0.99 per song. Apple could face real competition from other sites that can now sell to download music legally on the iPod hard disk insatiable.
Something tosearch for Microsoft Zune ... if the hack has been found to iPod, Zune Hack away?
iPod / iTunes: Under Attack by Hackers
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